
Satranji, the handicraft tradition

Satranji, the handicraft tradition

Meaning hundred colour fabrics, Satranji is a deep-rooted tradition of North Bengal.

A Satranji artisan represents the profile of a person with great skill and creativity.

The Satranji activity is crucial to supporting the artisans and their’s community economically. The loom most commonly belongs in the rural home villages as women’s daily activities, shared between domestic tasks and child care. Part of the income generated by Satranji weaving are destined to financing studies for their children.

The art of Satranji weaving still survives in a very limited extent in the region of Rangpur although the artisans concerned face many limitations. SICA celebrates the traditional art applying to it’s upcycled home collection.
The fair trade partnership gives to the local artisans the opportunity to explore and develop traditional crafts and to pursue contemporary designs